(further Privacy Policy or Agreement)

Private company "EasyTap Ltd." (hereinafter EasyTap), on one side, and an individual intending to purchase the "EasyTap Premium" subscription in the mobile application "EasyTap" (hereinafter User), on the other side, collectively referred to as the "Parties," have entered into this Contract, as follows:

1. Basic Provisions
1.1. This offer, in accordance with Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, constitutes a public offer, the full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of which, in accordance with Article 396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is considered to be the User's conclusive actions – payment for the "EasyTap Premium" subscription. Acceptance of the Contract means that the User agrees to all the terms of this offer and is equivalent to entering into the Contract. Therefore, carefully read the text of the Contract.
1.2. EasyTap does not guarantee the User any results (income from using the "EasyTap" Service). The "EasyTap" Service is provided "as is."
1.3. If the User disagrees with any provision of the Contract, EasyTap suggests refraining from accepting the public offer.

2. Terms and Definitions
2.1. The Parties have agreed that the terms used in the Contract have the meanings defined below:
1) "EasyTap" Service - providing the User with access to the "EasyTap Premium" subscription through the mobile application "EasyTap," as well as other methods and means, internet resources used by EasyTap to fulfill its obligations under the Contract.
2) Collection of Personal Data - actions aimed at obtaining Personal Data.
3) Processing of Personal Data - actions aimed at accumulating, storing, changing, supplementing, using, distributing, anonymizing, blocking, and destroying Personal Data.

3. Subject Matter of the Contract
3.1. EasyTap provides the User with access to the "EasyTap Premium" subscription in accordance with the Contract.

4. Provision of the "EasyTap" Service
4.1. EasyTap provides the User with access to the "EasyTap Premium" subscription upon receipt of payment.
4.2. In case of cancellation of the "EasyTap Premium" subscription by the User, the User's access to the "EasyTap Premium" subscription is terminated.
4.3. EasyTap has the right to refuse the User access to the "EasyTap" Service in whole or in part in the following cases:
1) violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the User;
2) violation by the User of the terms posted in the "EasyTap" mobile application;
3) dishonest manipulations by the User, etc.

5. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
5.1. Rights and obligations of the User:
5.1.1. The User undertakes to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5.1.2. The User agrees to EasyTap conducting marketing activities.
5.2. Rights and obligations of EasyTap:
5.2.1. EasyTap has the right at any time to refuse the User access to the "EasyTap" mobile application until the moment of payment for the "EasyTap" Service, as well as during the period of providing access to the "EasyTap" mobile application, including in case of the User's violation of the Contract terms, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.
5.2.3. EasyTap has the right to conduct marketing campaigns in the "EasyTap" mobile application.

6. Order of Settlements
6.1. The User pays EasyTap the following compensation on a monthly basis:
6.1.1. the cost of the "EasyTap Premium" subscription.
6.2. The User pays EasyTap the monthly compensation specified in clause 6.1.1. of the Contract prior to accessing the "EasyTap" Service. This amount is non-refundable.
6.3. The User agrees to the monthly deduction of funds for the "EasyTap Premium" subscription. The User has the right to cancel the "EasyTap Premium" subscription through the "EasyTap" mobile application.
6.4. By accepting the Contract, the User agrees to accept the services provided to them. If within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of the monthly payment deduction no substantiated written refusal has been received from the User, then the services are considered to have been properly provided by EasyTap and accepted by the User.6.5. Signing of accounting documents is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan using a signature on paper or through services using an electronic digital signature (EDS).
7. Confidentiality
7.1. The User grants EasyTap consent to Collect Personal Data and Process Personal Data, transfer to third parties, including Partners of EasyTap, and agrees that emails and messages may be sent to their electronic address, phone number, including of an advertising nature.
7.2. EasyTap uses the User's personal data, including for:
1) registering the User in the "EasyTap" mobile application;
2) fulfilling its obligations to the User;
3) evaluating and analyzing the operation of the "EasyTap" mobile application;
4) determining winners in contests;
5) conducting analysis and measuring the "EasyTap" Service, as well as the User's behavior within the "EasyTap" mobile application, etc.
7.3. Providing EasyTap with personal data in accordance with justified and applicable legal requirements, agents, and third parties acting under a contract with EasyTap to fulfill obligations to the User, does not constitute a violation. EasyTap may use "Cookies" technology. "Cookies" do not contain confidential information and are not transferred to third parties. EasyTap receives information about the visitor's IP address of the "EasyTap" mobile application. This information is not used to identify the User, except in cases of fraudulent actions by the User.
7.4. The User is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data transmitted to EasyTap.
7.5. By taking actions to connect the service of linking a bank card, the User confirms their consent to the storage of information by third parties, independently assuming full responsibility for the use of the bank card linking service; all risks associated with possible use by third parties of login, password, answer to security question, card number, automatic authorization, including when forwarding a message received via email and other information.
7.6. The User consents to EasyTap recording phone conversations to improve service quality and confirm verbal statements made by the User.
7.7. The User consents to receiving updated information, informational messages with the latest news, new offers, special offers, and announcements of sales, as well as information about news and offers from Partners of EasyTap via SMS, email, push notifications, phone calls, and other means of communication.
7.8. The User may, by sending EasyTap written notice, choose mailing parameters or opt-out of it.
7.9. The fact of concluding the Contract is not considered by the Parties as confidential information.
7.10. The Parties have agreed to consider the text of the Contract, as well as the entire volume of information exchanged between the Parties in the course of performing obligations arising from the Contract, as confidential information (within the limits permissible by law - commercial secret) of the other Party.
7.11. Each of the Parties, in accordance with Articles 126, 638, 1017, 1018 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, undertakes not to disclose in any way to third parties without the written consent of the other Party its confidential information to which access was obtained in the course of executing the Contract.
7.12. Each of the Parties undertakes to compensate the other Party in full for all losses caused by the disclosure of its confidential information in violation of the terms of the Contract.
7.13. The confidentiality terms remain in effect for three years from the date of termination of the Contract.
7.14. Cross-border transfer of personal data during their processing is allowed to fulfill obligations under the Contract.
7.15. The User's consent to the collection and processing of personal data is valid for the term of the Contract.

8. Liability of the Parties
8.1. In case of non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Contract, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8.2. Payment of penalties (fines, penalties) does not exempt the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Contract.
8.3. In case EasyTap presents any claims and demands, as well as in case of fines imposed on EasyTap by authorized state authorities due to the User's breach of the Contract terms, the User must settle the presented claims and demands at their own expense or within ten days from the date of EasyTap's submission of documents confirming the amount of actual damage, compensate EasyTap for it.
8.4. If throughout the term of the Contract no claims for the payment of penalties (fines, penalties) have been actually made, or there is no court decision on their collection, the amount of penalties (fines, penalties) is zero percent and is not subject to payment. In case of claims for the payment of penalties (fines, penalties), the amount of penalties (fines, penalties) is determined in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
8.5. EasyTap is not responsible for the inability to use the "EasyTap" mobile application, as well as for malfunctions in the operation of the "EasyTap" mobile application caused by third parties.

9. Force Majeure
9.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under the Contract if such non-performance was caused by force majeure events that arose after the conclusion of the Contract as a result of extraordinary events that the Party could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Such extraordinary events include natural disasters, military actions, acts of state authorities and management, network attacks or hacking of the "EasyTap" mobile application.
9.2. In case of force majeure events that make it impossible to fulfill obligations under the Contract, the concerned Party must notify the other Party within seven days after such event. Within the following seven days, they must report on the restoration of normal conditions. If force majeure events last for more than two months, the Contract is considered terminated.
9.3. The Parties must take all reasonable measures to eliminate the existing inability to perform their obligations under the Contract and minimize the consequences of any force majeure events.

10. Dispute Resolution
10.1. Disputes and disagreements arising from the performance of the Contract will be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.
10.2. Any disputes and/or disagreements arising from or in connection with the Contract (including those related to its interpretation, performance, breach, termination, or invalidity) shall be settled in the court of Almaty city, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

11. Term of the Contract, Procedure for Amendment, Termination, and Cancellation of the Contract
11.1. The Contract enters into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties and is valid for one calendar year, and in terms of the obligations undertaken by the Parties under the Contract - until their complete fulfillment. If within 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of the Contract term neither Party notifies the other Party in writing of their intention to terminate the Contract, the term of the Contract is extended for each subsequent calendar year on the same terms, without additional written agreement of the Parties. The number of Contract extensions is unlimited.
11.2. Termination of the Contract does not release the Parties from obligations provided for in Section 8 of the Contract. Termination of the Contract or its termination does not exempt the Parties from liability for its breach, if any, or from performing obligations not fulfilled as of the date of termination (cancellation) of the Contract.
11.3. In case of termination of the Contract, it ceases to be effective after the Parties have fulfilled mutual obligations, reached agreement, and completed final settlements under the Contract. Confidentiality obligations of the Parties remain in force for the terms specified in the Contract.

12. Final Provisions
12.1. In case of changes in their details, the Parties must notify each other: orally - immediately, in writing - within three business days from the date of occurrence of such changes. In case of untimely notification by one of the Parties of changes that occurred, the performance of obligations by the Parties under the Contract using the old details is considered proper.
12.2. Notifications, statements, letters, and other similar documents can be sent remotely via electronic communication (including using email), which allows reliably identifying that the document originates from the Party to the Contract.
12.3. EasyTap has the right at any time to amend the terms of the Contract by unilaterally notifying the User, without prior agreement with the User, provided that the modified terms (Public Offer for the User) are published in the "EasyTap" mobile application. In this case, signing of additional agreements by the Parties is not required.

13. Addresses and Details of EasyTap
Private Company "EasyTap Ltd."Legal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan city, Esil district, Dostyk street, building 5, office 199, postal code Z05H9M1Mailing address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Hozhanova street 2/2, 3rd floorBIN (Business Identification Number): 210840900158IBAN (KZT): KZ02722S000010759628Bank account at AO KASPI BANKBIC (Bank Identifier Code): CASPKZKA